Increase the further use of fusion technologies through the EUROfusion technology transfer programme
Fusion research activities generate an increasing amount of fundamental technologies for the future of energy production. The societal impact of CO2-free, dense energy source for future generations is obvious. In order to increase the short-term return of the investments in fusion and the benefits for the European industries, EUROfusion fosters fusion technology transfer by sourcing and supporting innovative projects.
From fusion technology transfer pilot project to FUTTA III
FUTTA programmes aim to support the dissemination and exploitation of Intellectual Property Rights from EUROfusion beneficiaries to non fusion industry.
Working with us
You are a company willing to energize your business with EUROfusion-based technologies & know-how ?
You are a EUROfusion members or Linked Third Parties and you are interesting in exploring further R&D and market opportunities based on your fusion research ?
Brokers are here to :
- Help technology providers identifying relevant applications and usecase through market positioning
- Bring to the technology provider a large network of industries and experts interested
- Help technology buyers qualifying its need and finding the proper solution
- Connect worlds which usually do not communicate through mediation, promotion and funding actions
- Support in accessing relevant fundings to accelerate the transfer
To find out more on how to get involved